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Symptoms, Types, Diagnosis and Treatment for Thyroid

Symptoms, Types, Diagnosis and Treatment for Thyroid


Thyroid disease is a common problem that can cause symptoms because of over- or under-function of the thyroid gland. The thyroid glands are is essential organessential organss for producing thyroid hormones, which maintain are body metabolism. The thyroid gland is located in the front of the neck below the Adam's apple.

Weight Gain

The term ‘underweight' in the medical fraternity is used to describe the human-body weight if below the average healthy weight. While the Gyan body weight is dependent on an array of factors, majority of them cannot be determined. Body Mass Index is the best method to determine the ideal weight. If the Body Mass Index is below 18.5 it means that individual is underweight.

Types of Thyroid

  • Hypothyroidism :- when your thyroid gland does not make enough thyroid hormones
  • Hyperthyroidism :- when your thyroid gland makes more thyroid hormones than your body needs
  • Goiter :- enlargement of the thyroid gland
  • Thyroid nodules :- lumps in the thyroid gland
  • Thyroid cancer

10 signs of an under-active thyroid:

  • Fatigue after sleeping 8 to 10 hours a night or needing to take a nap daily.
  • Weight gain or the inability to lose weight.
  • Mood issues such as mood swings, anxiety or depression.
  • Hormone imbalances such as PMS, irregular periods, infertility and low sex drive.
  • Muscle pain, joint pain, carpal tunnel syndrome, or tendonitis.
  • Cold hands and feet, feeling cold when others are not, or having a body temperature consistently below 98.5.
  • Dry or cracking skin, brittle nails and excessive hair loss.
  • Constipation.
  • Mind issues such as brain fog, poor concentration or poor memory.
  • Neck swelling, snoring or hoarse voice.

10 things you can do to improve your thyroid function

  • Make sure you are taking a high quality multivitamin with Iodine, Zinc, Selenium, Vitamin D, and B vitamins.
  • Take a tyrosine supplement such as this one by Thorne Research to help with the FT4 to FT3 conversion.
  • Go gluten-free! If you have Hashimoto’s, try going completely grain and legume free.
  • Deal with your stress and support your adrenal glands. The adrenal glands and thyroid work hand and hand. I recommend restorative yoga and adaptogenic herbs such as this blend by Gaia Herbs, which support the adrenal glands in coping with stress.
  • Get 8 to 10 hours of sleep a night.
  • Have a biological dentist safely remove any amalgam fillings you may have.
  • Watch your intake of raw goitrogens. There is a bit of a debate surrounding this.
  • Get fluoride, bromide and chlorine out of your diet and environment.
  • Heal your gut. A properly functioning digestive system (gut) is critical to good health.

Ayurvedic Remedies for Thyroid

Ayurvedic Head Massage With Eranda Oil

If you have hypothyroidism, you are prone to developing gout. This ailment occurs when your body produces too much uric acid, which could bring on painful joints or acute arthritis.For treating gout, the root of the eranda or Ricinus communis Linn is used to make the herbal remedy amrutadi taila. The oil, when massaged into the head, can provide relief from symptoms.

Nasya Therapy

Thyroid problems too can be treated with nasya therapy or nasya karma where medicated oils or powders are administered into your nasal passages. This treatment is one of the cornerstones of the 5-pronged panchakarma treatment, a holistic Ayurvedic therapy designed to detox, restore balance, and build immunity. You could try a neti pot, a special vessel used to pour the medicated oils into your nostrils while tilting your head at an angle, allowing the oil to move in from one nostril and out the other. The elderly, young children, pregnant women, and those who are ill with fever, diarrhea, or inflammation should avoid this treatment, though.

Dough Basti on the Thyroid Gland Area

In this therapy, dough is used to create a raised circular dam to hold warm medicated oils in the thyroid region. The treatment is believed to help stimulate the gland and nourish the thyroid. The basti used specifically for the thyroid is called “vishuddha basti,” and it tackles problems of the throat and thyroid chakra. The exact oils and herbs used by the Ayurvedic specialist will depend on your body constitution and the particular problems you have with your thyroid.

Foot Massage for 5 Minutes

Massaging the points on your feet that correspond to the throat chakra or the vishuddhi chakra for about 2.5 minutes (for each foot) can also help with problems of the thyroid. Use a semi-circular movement during the massage at these points located on the inner edge of the ball of your feet.

Dhara and Shirodhara

A dhara treatment of the vishuddhi chakra, where a stream of medicated oil is poured on the thyroid area using a dhara pot, is another course of treatment. Shirodhara uses a flow of oil on the head to stimulate the psychoneuroimmunological function of your brain, which means that it stimulates the functions related to the psychological processes, the nervous, and the immune system of the body. This causes changes in the levels of thyroid-releasing hormone and can thus help improve symptoms for someone with abnormal levels of the hormone.

Water Lettuce Paste for Goiter-Related Swelling

Ayurveda suggests some simple home remedies that can alleviate some of the more painful symptoms and problems related to thyroid issues. A paste made from water lettuce or jalakumbhi (Pistia stratiotes) when placed on any area swollen due to goiter can help bring down the swelling. The juice of the same plant can also be consumed to increase iodine levels in the body.

Diet for Hypo- And Hyperthyroidism

In general, since an enlarged thyroid is considered an imbalance of kapha (water) and meda (fat), if you have hypothyroidism, you may need to limit certain foods in your diet. Broccoli, cabbage, cauliflower, sweet potatoes, pearl millet, soy, lima beans, and maize, in particular, are considered avoidable under Ayurveda.

Hyperthyroidism, by contrast, is a sign of a vata and pitta imbalance. Consuming plenty of dairy products like milk and ghee can help. Fresh fruits like melons and bananas bananas and dry fruit including walnuts and dates can abate the vata and pitta

Yoga Asanas and Pranayama: Shoulder Stand and Shitali

Certain asanas alongside herbal remedies and massages are recommended for thyroid problems. The fish posture (matsya mudra) and the shoulder stand (sarvangasana) in particular are helpful. These poses help normalize the secretion of thyroxin in the body, restoring metabolic balance and easing problems like anxiety, nervousness, and sleeplessness. Each of the poses must be done thrice. They act like a massage of the thyroid gland, are restorative, and enhance its effectiveness

Causes of Being Underweight

  • Carcinoma
  • Convalescence
  • Debility
  • Eating disorders
  • Emaciation
  • Fasting
  • Gastrointestinal problems
  • Genetic factors
  • Hyperthyroidism
  • Lack of food (frequently due to poverty)
  • Lack of nutrients in diet
  • Liver problems
  • Malnutrition
  • Metabolism
  • Over exercise

Symptoms of Being Underweight

  • A decline in stamina.
  • Frequent and inexplicable fatigue.
  • General malaise.
  • Lowered resistance to infections.

Complications of Being Underweigh

  • A weak immune system.
  • Amenorrhea
  • Anaemia
  • Chances of occasional infections
  • Complicated pregnancy
  • Hair-loss
  • Infertility
  • Osteoporosis
  • Poor physical stamina

Improving your weight naturally

Ayurvedic medicines: If prescribed by a doctor, Ayurvedic medicines are great for gaining weight. Ashwagandha and Shatavari are good examples. But remember not to self-medicate. Make sure you consult a doctor and follow Ayurvedic treatments for detoxification. Diet: individuals who are underweight should increase calorie intake in order to gain weight. Increased calorie intake can be achieved by consuming calorie-dense foods. These include cheese, nuts and dried-fruits. Nutritional supplements and body fluids are the best method for increasing body-weight. Regular intake of minerals and vitamins is necessary for proper nutrition. Exercise: Exercise is the best method for people looking to increase weight. Exercise results in hypertrophy of the muscle and results in increase in body mass. Weight-training is another method to build muscle mass and increase weight. During this phase, the body needs more proteins and amino-acids. Appetite-stimulants: Appetite-stimulants may be used but only under expert medical supervision.

Exercise Andand Yoga

People who are anxious to gain weight must definitely do some form of physical activity. This promotes the appetite and strengthens metabolism.

Add Ghee to Your Food

Ghee has the ability to increase body dhatus or tissues. It also increases the appetite and digestion, while reducing vata. So persons desiring to gain weight must add a teaspoon of ghee to their lunch. One teaspoon of ghee can also be added to a glass of milk and consumed before going to bed.

Add Meat to Your Diet

In Ayurveda it’s said that you are what you eat. Hence if you eat a lot of flesh you can increase the same. Meat should not be fried or cooked with too much of oil. Instead meat should be cooked in ghee along with spices like black pepper, salt, ginger and garlic.

Add Dry Fruits and Nuts

Soak figs and dates in milk for a few hours and then enjoy. This will increase weight naturally. Eat 4 to 5 almonds every day. Foods which are made of ghee, milk and organic sugar served hot would be ideal. Milk puddings made of rice, green gram and even vegetables like carrots and white pumpkins can be made into this type of dessert.

Ashwagandha for Weight Gain

Ashwagandha is an excellent herb to promote weight gain. Two capsules/tablets or 1/2 teaspoon of ashwagandha can be mixed with a glass of full fat milk and organic sugar. Have this at night. Ashwagandha lehyam, ajamamsa lehyam and other formulations are also used for weight gain.

Ayurvedic Body Treatments

Ayurveda therapies like Abhyangam (Ayurvedic massage), navarakizhi (a form of sweat-inducing massage) are generally used to promote strength and energy. These can be useful for gaining weight. Shirodhara can be used if the person experiences weight loss due to stress and loss of sleep.

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